5 iPad Tips from the iProfessionals

5 iPad Tips from the iProfessionals

1. Save your Passwords. It’s easy to start accumulating many different passwords and it can get confusing trying to remember them all. There are some apps available to keep passwords safe but a great ‘old school’ way is to get an A4 size Spiral folder and write down your username and password whenever you sign up to something new. The reason for getting an A4 size book is so it doesn’t get lost! Keep it somewhere SAFE at home.

2. Use a case that’s going to protect the edges of the iPad. We find about 90% of broken screens happen because the iPad fell on a corner. There’s always a toss up between bulky and protective or lighter, thinner and less protective. To make it easy to use for school we find the 360 degree cases are the best solution. They offer some protection on the corners and are great for sitting the iPad up on the desk and easy to read in both portrait and landscape. They also offer good protection when in the school bag. 360 Case $34.95.

3. Put a Tempered Glass Screen Protector on the front of the screen. They offer great protection, feel fantastic and you won’t lose any touch screen sensitivity for fast finger movements. A high quality Tempered Glass and a good case is just about the best protection you can get short of a bulky case. Tempered Glass $39.95.

4. Back up Regularly. Your choice is either to iCloud or your PC/Laptop. Photos are the most important thing to back up. If your iPad gets lost or water damaged, things like contacts and emails you can probably find but photos are irreplaceable.

5. R-E-S-P-E-C-T – Treat your iPad with respect. They’re a fantastic resource, a centre of learning, entertainment and most importantly connecting with your family, friends and teachers. The BEST way you can give your iPad a long and healthy life is by looking after it. It’s fragile – treat it with LOVE.

If you ever need any help with your iPad or have any questions we’re happy to help in any way we can. Don’t hesitate to ask and give iProfessionals a call on 9090 2386. Enjoy your new iPads and please – keep them safe!

Friendly repairs…by people who care.

– iProfessionals

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